Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

These words could not ring more true than they did outside Boksburg North Police station. A woman allegedly torched her husband’s car outside the police station after an alleged argument.

According to the citizen.co.za, A Boksburg North woman was arrested and charged with malicious damage to property after she allegedly set fire to her husband’s car. At the time, the husband was inside the police station to report alleged abusive behaviour of his wife.

According to Boksburg NOrth SAPS spokesperson, Const. Justice Ramaube, the couple apparently had an argument at home before the husband decided that they both go to the police station to seek help.

“While the man was still detailing how [his] wife has been abusing him, the woman walked out of the police station. All of a sudden the vehicle was on fire, and our members managed to extinguish the flames and prevent it from spreading to the nearby vehicles.

“Unfortunately it was a bit late – as the complainant’s vehicle had already been completely damaged by the fire.”

He said an eye witness told the police that a woman was spotted doing something to the vehicle just moments before it exploded into flames.

Police searched for the husband’s wife and found her a few metres away from the scene. She was arrested and charged with setting the vehicle alight.

There is a video of the flaming car for those interested.

I’m Julz, South African motoring journalist with a passion for cars and a questionable sense of humour. I am not your average motoring journalist, and this is not your average motoring website.

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