My weekend road trip tips

After the roaring success (obviously) of my article on girl’s weekend getaways, I thought you might all be waiting with bated breath for me to do something similar. So here it is. Here are my weekend road trip tips to ensure you ALWAYS have a good time. And a safe time.


Planning sounds really obvious, but you don’t know what I am actually referring to. So read on, because this is three-fold.

If there is a long weekend or it is the end or beginning of school holidays etc. DO NOT leave on those days. I realise that it might give you an extra night or whatever, but crisis, the stress of traffic is too much. I generally need another holiday after just the drive home on a long weekend Sunday. Plan better.

Choose your road trip partners wisely. If a dinner party with a certain someone makes you want to stick needles in your eye balls, don’t invite them to drive with you and/or make an excuse as to why they must go with someone else. If you are asked to give someone you don’t know well a lift, ensure you have downloaded podcasts or great music. Put them in the back and turn that system up. They will hopefully get the gist that you are more of a non-talkative road tripper.

And also, plan your route really well. If you are the complete opposite of me and enjoy throwing caution to the wind, then this tip is not for you. In fact, most of my website might not appeal to you. I am more your A-Type personality and I love a plan. I will generally know if there are road works or general traffic issues to avoid, I know the places with the best food, and I know exactly how long it will take me to get to my destination. Plan. Plan. Plan.


I am all for music (my husband is, after all, in the music industry). But there is nothing like a good podcast to while away the hours on a long road trip. One of my favourite podcasts for a road trip is My Dad Wrote a Porno. It is just fantastic. Otherwise, a good crime podcast is also a crowd pleaser.

Here are a few of my favourite criminal podcasts. You can thank me later.

  1. Serial
  2. The teacher’s pet
  3. Criminal
  4. The Prevention Project


This plays a huge roll in my road trip planning. I am, of course, a lucky fish, because I get to organise whichever car I a degree, obviously. But, if you and your partner or friend have different cars, pick the one that is safest and most comfortable.

If you only have the one car available, be sure to have it serviced in time for your road trip. Check everything from your engine to your tyres to your windscreen wipers. There is nothing that can ruin a road trip quite like being stuck on the side of the road can.


You cannot leave for a road trip without at least a packet of chips, water and chewy sweets. I know you should probably include some healthy snacks, and please, if that is your vibe, feel free. My healthy snack consists of droëwors.

The best road trip tip my Dad taught me doesn’t so much involve the actual road trip but more the destination. Ensure that your beers and wine (or whatever you drink), is in a cooler box and cold before you leave the house. Add ice to said cooler box. This ensures that as soon as you arrive at your destination you have a cold beverage on hand. No need to wait for the beers to cool down in the freezer. Great tip, right?


I may talk about the fun parts of road tripping in this piece, but there are a few things you need to take seriously. One such thing I find happening all too often, is people having a boozy night before they leave on a long journey. It is so dangerous, a part from it being illegal as you might still be over the limit, being super tired can also affect your driving.

Patience is another thing people need to practice on a road trip (and just on the road in general.) Don’t take chances. I know what it is like to just want to get to your destination, but rather get there safely than not get there at all.

I’m Julz, South African motoring journalist with a passion for cars and a questionable sense of humour. I am not your average motoring journalist, and this is not your average motoring website.

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